Fourteen papers, plus commentary, originally presented at the Hoover Institution's Monetary Policy Conference held in May 2023, explore the interaction between monetary policy and financial regulation. Papers discuss the thirtieth anniversary of the Taylor rule; how the Taylor rule got its name; whether the Taylor rule is still useful for getting the Federal Reserve back on track; weaknesses in liquidity regulation; the failure of the Silicon Valley Bank in 2023; what lessons can be learned from the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank; disinflation and the stock market; inflation targeting in Japan from 2013 through 2023; historical data detailing the trends, drivers, and policy precedents associated with using central bank balance sheets; the Federal Reserve System's projections of inflation and interest rates in its quarterly Summary of Economic Projections; inflation created from US monetary and fiscal policy responses to the pandemic; credit conditions in response to recent bank stress and strategic monetary policymaking; suggestions for the Federal Reserve to improve communications by discussing systematic policy rules; and inflation in Latin America and Chile's market-oriented reforms.