The linear consumption model, under which products are made, consumed, and then thrown away, is reaching its limits. The excessive pressure this model puts on natural ecosystems, the pollution of air, land, and water bodies resulting from the production and disposal of products, the wide fluctuations in the prices of raw materials and the potential disruptions to their supply are only some of the reasons why it is essential for all of us to make the transition to a circular economy a reality.
The goal of this paper is to offer a toolkit to professionals across all parts of the value chain who are interested in incorporating the key principles of a circular economy into their organizations. This includes a wide range of potential strategies aimed at reducing waste and keeping products and materials in circulation, recommendations for how to address potential key barriers, and a roadmap for successful implementation. Given that a successful transition to a circular economy requires all stakeholders to contribute to the effort, the paper also calls for collective actions from other stakeholder groups beyond businesses.
Copyright held by Barchi Gillai, Hau L. Lee, and Caroline Yuandi Ling, . Further inquiries about reproduction and use should be directed to the Value Chain Innovation Initiative.