The large amounts of resources required for producing the materials our garments are made of, and the significant levels of pollution associated with textile and garment production and disposal are some of the major environmental concerns characterizing the apparel industry. In this paper we aim to help brand companies gain a better understanding of how their material sourcing decisions could potentially help lower the industry’s environmental footprint. To do this, we begin by exploring key environmental issues associated with the production and disposal of textiles made from polyester, cotton, and leather – three materials that are highly utilized in the apparel industry. Next, we discuss best practices and innovations aimed at reducing the harm these materials inflict on the environment. We also list several certification programs that can help brand companies identify responsibly made materials. Finally, we share our thoughts on additional areas for improvement we feel it is especially important for the apparel industry to focus on if it wishes to lower the harm it inflicts on the environment in a more meaningful way. The paper also touches on the responsibilities of other players along the apparel value chain, as well as the role of consumers in ensuring that any initiatives taken by brands achieve their full potential.
Copyright held by Barchi Gillai, Jessica Landzberg, Nina Sabharwal, and Hau L. Lee. Further inquiries about reproduction and use should be directed to the Value Chain Innovation Initiative.